Dial-A-Ride offers curbside pick up and drop off service to persons with disabilities with or without ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Certification and persons who are 60 years of age and older.
Saturday Service
Saturday transit service is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. within the Sonora, Jamestown, Columbia, Soulsbyville, Twain Harte, Standard and Tuolumne areas. Saturday transit service is provided through a curb-to-curb dial-a-ride, requiring advance reservations. This service is provided to seniors, persons with disabilities and the general public.
Pick-up Windows
When you call for service, you are given a 30 minute period as an approximate pick up time. Please be ready for the bus at the start of this 30 minute period. While we make every effort to deliver you to your destination quickly, you may share the bus with other riders who are going in the same general direction.
To make reservations, or for more information regarding the Dial-A-Ride Service, please call the Transit Office at 532-0404 or 962-4098 (toll free from Groveland). Have the following information ready:
your name
where you want to be picked up
where you want to go
when you want to arrive
the number of people in your party
if a wheelchair lift is needed
Reservations should be made at least one day in advance. Same day service may be accommodated on a space available basis only.
A Testimonial:
Tuolumne County Transit
To the Editor:
I found gold in Sonora. Not the gold you may be thinking about, but just as precious. It is a service called “Dial A Ride.” My 91-year-old mother broke her ankle and I would not have been able to get her to the many doctors appointments and physical therapy if it weren’t for this service.
We called “Dial A Ride” and for a nominal fee they picked my mother and I up at our home. The drivers were able to lift her wheelchair into their bus. All the drivers and schedulers were kind and helpful. We saw many people that were elderly, who could not drive or just needed extra help like my mother.
I would publicly like to thank “Dial A Ride” for this helpful service, and inform others who may need this service that it is available here in Sonora through the Tuolumne County Transit.
Edna McCarthy